Moravian karst: a cyclist’s autumn paradise

It is said that summer unveils the karst’s true beauty, but cycling there in autumn is no less fascinating.

29.11.2016 – Words by Eva Sivá

Moravian karst, which is located north of the city of Brno, Czech Republic, is one of the most beautiful karst areas in Central Europe. With more than 1,100 caves and gorges (with only four caves open to public), the karst is 92 square kilometres of protected landscape area.

Today there are three of us – Matka, Jirka and I. Matka and I are dressed like twins, and Jirko is the one making most of the pictures.

The morning is fresh like a baby’s breath and our first climb starts just amazingly. The new tarmac road adds even more joy to our ride.

The first descent after a steep climb feels like bliss – with smooth cornering and the lively wind touching your skin.

We finally enter the caves area. These rocks are usually barely visible during the summer with wild vegetation covering them.

We approach the largest gorge not just in the Czech Republic, but in the whole of Central Europe — Macocha Abyss. The gorge is 138.7 metres deep and when you look down from it you feel the true greatness of the place. No other spot in this area gives you such a blend of feelings – from its breathtaking beauty, to the goosebumps caused by the realisation of its awesome grandeur.

Riding through the Moravian karst bridge — a signature of the area.

The autumn now is in full peak. A week more from now and all the leaves will be gone.

Autumn rides can be dangerous. When you look up and around instead of looking on the road you might end up on the roadside. Just like me :) Nothing serious, but my ride buddies got scared.

The whole ride was full of joy. Witnessing the last days of golden autumn, wowing from the beauty of the karst, taking pictures while travelling at 45 km/h, taking short breaks to have a snack, and chatting on the way. What a day!

Text by: Eva Sivá
Pictures by: Jiri Parizek and Eva Sivá

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