We wear caps – NOT HATS

It is called a cap - not a hat!

8.4.2015 – Words by Jesper Grundahl

Deriving from the French word “Casquette” the cycling cap is perhaps the one item in cycling apparel which has not changed since its glory days during the ’50’s, ’60’s and ’70’s. Let us not forget the naughty ’80’s where helmet use still had not been enforced by UCI, and where caps were still clearly visible among other dubious head-gear such as the - eh - Pirate bandana!

As helmet use became mandatory the cycling cap vanished from view, and was to a large degree replaced by its uglier, oversized, clunky-looking sibling - the baseball cap - which has dominated post-race interviews and podium ceremonies since the late 1990’s and 2000’s.

Thankfully the more discerning riders in the Pro peloton, who value the history of the sport and its heroes, have reintroduced the “casquette” into the Pro peloton again. Mark Cavendish, Tony Martin, Philippe Gilbert and Tom Boonen to name a few fast men.

The cycling cap was designed with many functions in mind. For starters it was designed to shield the rider from the sun. On extremely hot days riders would either dip the cap in water to cool down or place a cabbage leaf under the cap. If a cabbage leaf was not available riders would use Mesclun (salad leaves) to cool down under the scorching sun.

Culinary coolness aside - the cycling cap also doubles as a shield during rainy days. Protecting your vision from the worst spray coming from ahead. This is most noticeable during Spring Classic season of “The Five Monuments” - Milan/San Remo, Tour of Flanders, Paris/Roubaix, Liége/Bastogne/Liége and Giro di Lombardia.

Finally - as the Trade Teams (sponsored, commercial teams) were introduced in Tour de France in 1969 the fate of the cycling cap quickly went from functional to promotional. Corporate companies quickly found the use for the cap as a promotional tool for their products. Although essentially an organic commercial - to this day a cycling cap “trophy” from a Pro rider is still an essential fan item to hang on your wall. But do not ever wash it.

As the international elite-amateur market has expanded, so has the love of this basic piece of apparel. In fact - the cycling cap is the singular most requested item among Isadore Apparel fans, which certainly proves you not only think functionally, but even more so you have style in abundance.

To wear a cycling cap properly depends on personal style and appearance. DO NOT take this light-hearted. Wearing a cycling cap properly requires insight, style and subtlety in order not to appear as an idiot. The following tricks may be applied to get away with looking cool:


Flip the peak of your cap upwards to reveal underside logo. You will look the business and fast.


Do not have the peak of your cap to the left or right - keep it dead-center to obtain style during ride.


Most caps come in “fits all sizes”. For some it is too large and will subsequently keep your cap low. For others you can create a luft, when going out in public, to create a cap style with attitude. Needless to say; you can’t create luft under a helmet - if size fits, get it right in public.


Very few can get away with this, and it should never be worn backwards under your helmet. If you insist - wear it luft and backwards post-ride, but only if you insist. IF you have abundance of coolness - flip your peak upwards while wearing backwards.


Do not even consider this! Stay away from the light!

The cycling cap sums up your appearance as a rider. To wear one is a question of "panache".

I swear by using this simple piece of construction summer or winter, and have 36 caps to choose from. And I probably won’t stop there.

For me - it completes my look, and I will feel strangely naked without it.

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